A 2 years project to teach table tennis and the Olympic Values to targeted participants by weekly classes from trained coaches.
STAG, Global Sports Development Foundation (GSD), Japanese Table Tennis Federation, Embassy of Japan in Buenos Aires, Argentina Olympic Committee, Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games 2018 Organising Committee (BAYOGOC), Argentina Table Tennis Federation, Argentina Table Tennis Federation for the Disabled
Buenos Aires hosted the 3rd Youth Olympic Games in 2018. The Olympic Village and many sports venues are close to slums in need of urban development, like the table tennis venue in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires. Life in Argentinian slums is characterized by deficient formal access to basic services like water-supply, waste water connection, electricity, garbage collection etc., high density of population living in precarious dwellings in an illegal occupied area, high rate of unemployment and/or informal employment, high rate of drug addiction, violence, etc. Many inhabitants, especially the youth are living without personal motivation for a better future, living day by day. At the same time, Argentina is a very centralised country with lack of opportunities for persons living in the different provinces. And last but not least, Argentina has a big Japanese community offering to link the project with Tokyo 2020.