Slum Ping Pong

Slum Ping Pong

Poverty is prevalent in large slum areas of Kampala. Opportunities for these children are very limited in these areas. Although free education for all children at primary school level is the official discourse, parents or guardians are still expected to pay tuition fees. Many simply do not the finances to do so.

According to a world bank 2016 study, the country still faces widespread deprivation in several non-monetary dimensions of poverty, mainly improved sanitation, access to electricity, education (completion and progression), and child malnutrition. This warrants a continued focus on improving the access and quality of these basic services as neglecting them can result in perpetuation of the poverty cycle.

Project start date: 01-07-2019
Status: DBF support completed in 2022
Project location: Kampala, Uganda

The Slum Ping Pong project aims to use table tennis as a tool to offer, children living in slums of Kampala, Uganda, access to education and a way to break the cycle of poverty. By offering free regular table tennis sessions, school support, role models through slum coaches and advice where possible.

Contribution to the Global Goals

Target 4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.

Target 4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship.

  • Individual Change
    • For 100 slum children from the Kampala area, who will complete primary education
    • For 7 slum residents who become coaches and gain access to employment and become a role model in the community


  • Behavior or attitude
    • To increase the self-esteem, dignity, and hope for the future, among the 100 participants of the programme
  • Knowledge and skills
    • To educate participants about leading a healthy live: eating, drugs, violence
  • Circumstance, quality of life or well-being
    • To offer access to primary education to the 100 children living in the slums
    • To develop skills of children and coaches participating in the programme that may lead them towards employability and better quality of life
    • At least 1% of participants in the programme gain access to secondary education

In 3 schools spread across Kampala: Police Children School, Railway Children Primary School and Home of Joy Salvation Army School (home for children with disabilities)

  • Weekly sessions run in each school
  • Regular tournaments and festivals

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  • Dream Building Fund
  • Project leaders: Emmanuel Bazira & Daniel Rwesherengwe
  • Fund recipient: Slum Ping Pong

Project Partners

Sabine Winter Raccoon Rackets TTC Birkenfeld
Sabine Winter Racoon Rackets TTC Birkenfeld

Our Sponsors