Points that tear down barriers

(Puntos que derriban fronteras)


Ecuador is now living an unprecedented migration flow of people fleeing from Colombia and Venezuela. According to Ecuador’s International Affairs Office, Ecuador is a transit country from the 1 million people that entered in the country, approx. 400.000 have settled down, leaving a great number of families facing exclusion, xenophobia, and lack of opportunities. As a result, regions located at the north of Ecuador present high levels of refugee population including children and youth, most of them living in vulnerable conditions and do not have access to a good education and physical activity.

Project start date: 01-06-2019
Status: DBF support completed in 2022
Project area: Quito, Imbabura, Santo Domingo, Esmeraldas and Sucumbíos - Ecuador

The project “Points that tear down barriers” uses table tennis as a vehicle of integration of Venezuelan, Colombian migrant, and refugee youth with the Ecuadorian community who is also living under difficult conditions in the North.

Contribution to the Global Goals

Target 10.2: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

  • Individual Change: Increase in feeling of belonging and inclusion
  • Community Change: Reduce negative stigma around migrants, refugees and others
  • Behavior or attitude
    • 50% of programme participants and their families report an improvement in attitudes towards them and others from different countries
    • 100 beneficiaries who were not physically active before, now take part in regular weekly physical activity
    • 100 beneficiaries display an increase in resilience in their daily lives
    • 500 participants can identify different solutions to violence they can resort to in different situations
  • Circumstance, quality of life or well-being
    • 80% of beneficiaries report having made friends and feeling part of the community
  • Coordination, set up and planning with communities (ongoing)
  • Working sessions on values (monthly in all locations)
  • Life skills training sessions (bi-monthly in each locations)
  • Training courses (2 annual workshops)
  • Table tennis integration festivals (2 annual events)

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